A Sunday Sundae Fail

This past Sunday, I ordered a sundae. Maybe you are like me and limit your sweets for healthy reasons. I made an exception and decided to order a hot fudge sundae for a special occasion. That is one of my favorite desserts!

My expectations were high when it arrived. It’s a basic classic dessert, not tricky to make. The server set it on the table and that is when my troubles began. This did not go well.

First of all, it was set in the center of a large dinner plate. I would have been able to reach it, but getting the spoon of gooey, melty goodness back to my mouth without dripping or spilling would have me challenged. So I picked it up and moved it to a smaller plate, and set it closer to the end destination, my mouth.

Sundae Plate

Now my fingers were sticky. One of the many traits passed down from my father is that we cannot tolerate sticky hands. Simple to solve. I headed to the restroom to wash up, so that, upon my return, I could relax and truly enjoy my moment of indulgence.

I got back to my seat and reached for a spoon. The dessert was presented on that big dinner plate with four spoons, and there were only two of us at the table. And the Mr. had ordered his own slice of carrot cake. Needless to say, he was not interested in my sundae. Nor would it be likely for me to share. OK, I have learned to share, but back to today’s comedy of errors and the four spoons. Each of the spoons was resting in the goop on the plate. I just needed one clean spoon. That’s a simple expectation.

The plate was covered in caramel and chocolate sauce and four small piles of whip cream. Did I mention that whoever garnished the plate with the two sauces must have taken out some aggression or taken a dare to create a plate that looked like an explosion in a sundae factory. And the cherries, which I’d mentioned to the server to not waste on me. There were five cherries wasted on me. I could not use any of the spoons. Still the sundae sat waiting patiently for me to partake.

It was a very crowded day at the restaurant and service was so slow. We liked our server and figured everything was backed up, so we took the opportunity to enjoy a very slow meal together. However, I figured it would be some time before I’d see the server again, so I walked to the hostess stand and asked for an extra place setting. The place settings come wrapped in a napkin. I unfurled the napkin back in our booth and found a lovely fork and steak knife. No spoon. Duh. It’s kind of a burger and steak place. I should have known.

So I gave up and began to eat my sundae with my fork. The server came by and I asked for a spoon. She did return with it. By then my sundae was soupy, but I don’t object to soft ice cream. I then realized there was no caramel in the bowl of ice cream, though it had been promised in the description on the menu. There was no hot fudge near the ice cream, either.

Oddly, the goblet containing the ice cream had been dipped in hot fudge then rolled in nuts, so the chocolate and nuts were on the outside of the glass. So weird. I ended up scraping the sauce and peanuts off the outside and then taking a spoon of soupy ice cream. OK. That worked in an unsatisfactory way.

Sundae Dish

So I gave up and quit my sundae before it was finished. I don’t like wasting calories on something sweet I’m not enjoying. I pressed pause on that disaster, we’d paid the bill, and left. I didn’t even care enough to complain. I learned not to order a hot fudge sundae again there. Although the hot fudge was decent, the ice cream was average even for vanilla, and the whole construction of it was out of a joke book.

It was called a “Messy Sundae” on the menu, but I did not believe them. Now I do.

Stay charming, my friends, and definitely avoid sticky! Have a sweet week!



6 thoughts on “A Sunday Sundae Fail

    • I wondered if someone would ask. It was from Glen’s salad. It had fallen on the table, so I picked it up and put it on the plate to be cleared. Good eye!


  1. I know why you got dessert…..missing O. I guess I will also have a hot fudge sundae today, only I will make mine. Because I miss O.

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