Face Mask Maintenance

Face masks have become a 2020 thing, thanks to this pandemic. At least for many of us. Perhaps that doesn’t include you. I’d have to say we’d all prefer not to do so, but it is a good thing many of us comply. This post is not to argue that point. If you are anti-mask, this post will not interest you.

For those of us who do comply, have you figured out your face mask habits yet?

  • It all started with buying one, at least for me. Then buying a few more. I’ve gotten one as a gift. We got one free. Now I have a collection. Has your mask supply grown into a collection?
  • One day, I might need to wear one daily, until the community is safer. Like when I return to work, though that is not anytime soon. My supply is ready. I have enough, like underwear, to get through the week or more, when needed.
  • My masks are varied in color and design. I have a Cubs mask, a Stand with Sanchez mask for our local Congresswoman’s campaign, and other designs. The designs were randomly chosen, no strategy. How about you? Did you make any of yours? You have a style strategy?
  • I have cotton masks, silk masks, and synthetic masks. I have not developed a preference. If they fit comfortably around my ears, they are usually comfortable across my nose and mouth, and that is all I ask.
And I do have a favorite mask.
  • I don’t match my face mask to my outfit. Do you?
  • I use a lanyard to hold my mask. Such a geek, though practical. Similar to a Midwest kindergartner’s mittens on a string, I just drop it around my neck. No setting the mask down and losing it. No shoving it in my pocket or purse. It is very convenient on walks. It just rests on the lanyard and I put it on when other people are passing by.
My portable mask lanyard system.
  • We wash the masks weekly. That’s simple enough and now a habit. It is one more tiny chore birthed in this pandemic.
  • How do you store your masks? Do you organize them? I simply put mine on a ring and hang them on the dresser.

It seems like masks will be part of life for a while. Currently we have smokey air, so I’m even more convinced a mask is helpful outside.

Masks care does have multiple steps. Who knew? Now we are experts.

If you only wear are disposable masks, I thought that would be easier. But you do have to have a supply, actually toss them in a trash container, buy more, and store them, too. So even those are not completely low maintenance.

Face masks. They serve us well for now. If only I could master the part that keeps my glasses from steaming-up. So simple, yet one more thing to manage.

I’m laughing as I write this because who knew simply adding face masks to your outer wear would come with all these care components. I didn’t even mention how my husband and I have to keep them separate, like our socks.

Maybe when this is all over we can meet for craft night and make Christmas tree garland out of all of them as a memento of a tough time.

Stay masked, my friends. We are not out of danger yet. Around here anyway.

6 thoughts on “Face Mask Maintenance

  1. The lanyard idea is brilliant for when you are in a situation where you have to take the mask on and off a lot! I make sure to have one or two in my car at all times so there is always one there when I am out (but I might go out more than you- lots of school deliveries!). Jeff and Ryan’s preference is a gaiter. You wear it around your neck and can pull it up whenever you need to. Yes, we have learned a whole new skill set with masks!


    • So good to read your reply! You are out a lot more than I am, as evidenced also by your creative CoVid outings shared on Facebook. You’ve done well keeping it fun beyond your home, and at home! Keeping masks in your car is so practical. Again, something we would have never imagined as one of life’s basics prior to the pandemic. I forgot about the gaiter (and didn’t know the actual name!) Glen has one that he wears frequently, too. I have a handful that I’d forgotten about because they double as hair bands, or originated as such. Have a good week! Thanks for reading.


  2. I decided early on to treat masks like mats and scarves: comfortable and coordinated! (I wonder how many of the people griping about masks are maybe wearing the wrong masks?)

    So yes, I do (attempt to) coordinate with my clothes. 😉 I ordered from several companies, then re-ordered more from the one at the top of the comfort/value axis. (I’ve found that a nosebridge wire is the biggest factor in comfort for me, then adjustable earloops.) And if I needed a mask that day (I’m mostly at home), I wash it that night.

    The lanyard is a good idea…I should steal that.


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