January Daze

Here we are at the end of January! Time really flies some days, doesn’t it? January is a fresh start, though I don’t make resolutions. Take a moment to scroll through the photos on your phone. Mine often summarize the month for me. As I look back over those photos, I recall many moments that made up January life. I am grateful for the growth in unexpected places, a moment to pause and reflect, and the joy of good times with good people. Here are a few very random highlights.

Craig Wright's Group Quote

This little item above is from my kitchen wall. It reminded me of this important truth for many years. I’ve started (again) to purge my belongings, beginning in January. I chose to part with this and placed it in the donation box.  I want less to mess with. Decorations change, but the truth remains beyond the stuff. Being with those we love is enough.

Cinnamon Rolls

One January morning, the house filled with the smell of baking bread and cinnamon. Isn’t that just the best aroma? I popped open a can of cinnamon rolls to bake just to have the house smell wonderful. And, of course, we got to eat them, too. Homemade cinnamon rolls are far superior, but this will do! I made them at home, right?

Coconut Oil

My January routine includes a visit to my skin doctor for my annual skin cancer screening. Although getting thoroughly checked is rather awkward, walking away with peace of mind that there are no surprises is worth it. I asked her to recommend a skin lotion for my dry arms and back, something without harmful chemicals. She recommended coconut oil. So I got some and have been using it. It is too soon to tell the results just yet. But I can tell you this, I end up smelling like a piña colada!

Braces Off Kate Cropped

A milestone moment! My good friend, who is in eighth grade, got her braces off this January! I remember what an exciting day that was for me when I was young. We celebrated with her.

Good-bye Steve

I said many good-byes this January. Learning to let go is a well repeated life lesson. I said good-bye to:

  • Two co-workers who left for other great adventures in January. For one, we all wore ties to work on his last day, something he was famous for in our more casual work world. A little bit of silly to soften the parting sadness.
  • A beloved school secretary from a school where I worked in the 1990’s who passed away.
  • To my car battery, stolen from right in front of our house. Shocking.Stolen Battery

January has been a fun time of year to be a Purdue University basketball fan. Purdue continued to build its winning streak this weekend to 17 straight wins and 12 straight Big Ten wins. This breaks the school record in both categories. That is exciting for this Purdue graduate and my friends! Go Boilers!

Purdue Button

Coffee is a good part of any month. One fine January day, I was introduced to the most delicious sweet coffee drink I’d ever had, a horchata latte from Tierra Mia. What a great mid-day treat to spice things up!

Tierra Mia Horchata Latte

And I love using this coffee mug in January, thinking back on the glorious snow days of my past when I lived in the Midwest. As long as I didn’t have to go to school or drive to work, it was a good day! All the snow made for picturesque surroundings. And an occasional snowman or snow fort.

Snowday Mug

One of several January birthday celebrations included ice cream sundaes at The Habit for a celebration with my sister-in-law. So good! Ice cream, even in January, is always a good idea!

Sundaes with Audrey

Speaking of winter days, we did have some winter chilly temps this January. Today, however, reached 87 degrees. It’s confusing to almost everyone and everything, but the January roses remain stunning! I’ll close with this beautiful photo of some I passed on a recent morning walk.

Beautiful Pink Roses

Hope January went well for you. What’s captured in your phone photos?

Stay charming, my friends!